Well the Water element is certainly making itself known here in the UK and how welcome it is when drought restrictions were imposed just a few weeks ago. Water brings with it energies of love, purification, psychic awareness, receptivity and insight, so despite the fact that the heavens have truly opened and we are encountering a deluge of rain currently, I like to think that those qualities are raining down upon the Earth and all of its inhabitants. These energies seem particularly apt with the Beltane and May day celebrations coming up over the next few days.
It’s been a while since I last blogged. 2012 is a busy year for me this year with lots of wonderful events being held, so I may not be as prolific on the writing front as previous years, and in fact this blog post is more of an update of what’s taking place this year. I finally got round yesterday to editing the video footage from the Reiki Drum Share we held last month in Sheering, Essex. Wow, what a day! The video has got me buzzing all over again! Check it out here: Reiki Drum Share March 2012 It was such a high energy event, with 55 Reiki Drummers all in one space. We enjoyed sacred ceremony, Reiju, shared drum healing, an amazing community healing for two people, journeying, power animal work and some rhythmic creative drumming and dance. If you haven’t yet experienced the magic which is Reiki Drum, I’m running a four day Reiki Drumming retreat at the end of October at the wonderful Phoenix Centre in Suffolk. The earth energies here are very condusive to the work we will be doing and it is being held around the time of Samhain, the Celtic New Year and an auspicious time to be working with Reiki and the Ancestors. The two day Reiki Drum practitioner course can be life changing, so to have four days as a residential will be a true blessing for those who join us. Spaces are limited, so if you would like further details, please email info@reikidrum.co.uk at the earliest opportunity.
In April I started to run chant/mantra and Kirtan evenings in Sawbridgeworth, East Herts. The first one was a really lovely evening, working with some powerful Goddess energies such as Durga, Kali and Tara. We made good use of my wonderful new Monochord Sound Chair which arrived in February. I’m planning on rolling out more of these evenings and the next one is being held on Thursday 7th June. Places again are limited, but I have a few spaces remaining. If you are interested in joining us to use your voice and chant in a group, then please let me know. The evenings cost £8 and run for about two hours. I am still running regular gong baths in East Herts and have some plans for further evening events which I’ll be rolling out later on in the year, so watch this space!
This weekend I’m blessed to be holding the Sound & Light Beltane Retreat at the very special Dev Aura, Lincolnshire with a fantastic group of people. We’ll be doing lots of voice work, playing the gongs, drumming, ceremony, meditation, movement and enjoying some silence! I always feel so lucky when I run events at the very special centres I hold my events at. Last year when I arrived at Dev Aura, I ran around for about half an hour in raptures and full of gratitude to be able to hold the retreat at such a special place.
I’m no less excited to be holding a Reiki retreat at the Glastonbury Abbey retreat centre in July. For those who’ve been following my blog, you’ll know how much I love Glastonbury, my spiritual home, and despite the four hour journey, I try and visit there at least four or five times a year. This year Sarah Baker has kindly agreed to lead the participants of our retreat on a Tor labyrinth walk. Sarah and I did the Labyrinth walk back in February this year in preparation, joined by the wonderful Lucy Baker and Sue Jones. It’s really a magical and spiritual experience. The labyrinth is on seven layers to which has been attributed much myth and legend. One of the beliefs is that each layer corresponds to one of the seven chakras. As we walked around the specific layer/chakra the environment spoke to us communicating what we needed to see in terms of our own life paths. For energy centres I know I needed to do some work upon, I found the walk on that particular layer a little challenging, whereas for those centres which I knew were in balance, the walk was easy and no effort at all, as
if I was walking completely in the flow! Sarah has told me today that another belief is that each layer corresponds to the elemental realm, the bottom layer working with the earth elementals such as the gnomes and the dwarves, working with undines, salamanders, sylphs and to the celestial realms culminating in the Archangel at the top of the tor. Whilst walking the labyrinth, we find ourselves at the Egg Stone, reputed to be the entrance on the Tor to the elemental realm. We sat there for a while in February and the energy was extremely powerful. We were also joined by a beautiful blue orb (blue orbs are said to be Archangel Michael energy!).
Besides the tor walk in July, I have booked the Chalice Well gardens especially for our group so that we can have Reiju blessings and private meditation time, and there are lots of other wonderful things planned. Just staying at Abbey House on the Michael leyline can be intensely healing in itself. As I write I have four spaces remaining on this retreat, so if you would like to experience the magic of Glastonbury and immerse yourself in Reiki practises for a few days, then please consider joining us.
I’ve had lots of you enquire after June, my mother-in-law, whose story I blogged about this time last year. I’m pleased to say that June is doing well, in fact she is still enjoying an active life both inside and outside of the home. June was given weeks to live in January 2011 following a cancer diagnosis and was dying. Her doctors said nothing could be done for her allopathically and for her to put her affairs in order, but she has been following a natural health regime with lots of Reiki and body work over the past 16 months and is proof that the work we do actually DOES work!
So it only remains for me to wish you all a wonderful Beltane and May Day, may the Spring and Summer bring your ideas and inspirations into manifestation. Sending love xx
Forthcoming Events and Classes
Regular Gong/Sound Bath evenings – please enquire to be put on the mailing list
Evening of Chant/Mantra & Kirtan – June 7th – Open to all, please contact me to reserve a place
Karuna Reiki – 23rd-25th June, 3rd-5th August
Reiki Drum Practitioner – 21/22 July, 8th/9th September
Reiki One (Shoden) – 2/3 June, 1/2 September, 3/4 November
Reiki Two (Okuden) 14/15 July, 24/25 November
Reiki Master Teacher 18-20 May, 9-11 November
Sound & Light Retreat 27th-29th April
Glastonbury Reiki Retreat 5th-8th July
Reiki Drum Residential & Samhain Retreat – 26th-29th October