Sarah Gregg - The Reiki Drum Technique

Site Map

The site map will help you find pages of interest to you. For ease of navigation simply click on the link to take you to the page you would like to visit.

Home - An introduction to the Reiki Drum Technique.
Reiki - History and description of Reiki, how it heals and what it can be used for.
Retreats - Information about our UK and overseas retreats.
Events - Some information about events run by Sarah Gregg.
About Sarah - Some information about Sarah and her Reiki journey.
Videos - Some of our favourite videos.
Gallery - Favourite moments from previous classes, workshops, retreats and events.

Reiki Courses - All available Reiki courses, course structures, fees and forthcoming dates.
* Reiki First Degree - Shoden
* Reiki Second Degree (Practitioner Course) - Okuden
* Advanced Reiki Training & Reiki Master Teacher Course - Shinpiden
* Advanced Reiki Training - Reiki III (Master Healer)
* Reiki Master Teacher - Reiki IV
* The Reiki Drum Technique
* The Akasha Process™
* Karuna Reiki®
* Reiki Kotodama Workshop Syllabus and Course Description

Other Courses - Other Courses and Workshops facilitated by Sarah Gregg

Online Shop - Reiki related products for sale.
The Reiki Drum Blog - Musings and updates by Sarah Gregg.
Testimonials - A collection of testimonials from Reiki Students.
Contact - Contact information, including a contact form.
Links - Includes useful links and resources.
Site Map - You are here!
Legal - Privacy policy & copyright information.